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  • in Tim Cross's The Lost Voices of World War I , pp. 52-58. The War Sonnets: V. The Soldier If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for
  • in Tim Cross's The Lost Voices of World War I , pp. 52-58. The War Sonnets: V. The Soldier If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for
[48.3 %] | - 26.1 kb
  • who served as a machine gunner during World War One, was the author of a famed wartime memoir, With a Machine Gun to Cambrai . Born on 26 January 1898 Coppard left school - Fairlight Place - at the age of 13 to begin his
  • who served as a machine gunner during World War One, was the author of a famed wartime memoir, With a Machine Gun to Cambrai . Born on 26 January 1898 Coppard left school - Fairlight Place - at the age of 13 to begin his
[48.3 %] | - 23.0 kb
  • and on the Western Front during the First World War, until his death during fighting one the Somme in October 1916. Born in Kilburn Coulson's early career saw him become a well-known pre-war journalist, eventually
  • and on the Western Front during the First World War, until his death during fighting one the Somme in October 1916. Born in Kilburn Coulson's early career saw him become a well-known pre-war journalist, eventually
[48.3 %] | - 23.3 kb
  • the novel The Return . During the First World War he wrote a series of patriotic poems. De la Mare’s reputation however was established by The Listener and Other Poems , published in 1912. Water de la
  • the novel The Return . During the First World War he wrote a series of patriotic poems. De la Mare’s reputation however was established by The Listener and Other Poems , published in 1912. Water de la
[48.3 %] | - 23.4 kb
  • Council, campaigning for peace during the Second World War (her book Seed of Chaos , which attacked the British/US policy of saturation bombing of Germany, was rejected by publishers in Britain and the US in 1944). Her
  • Council, campaigning for peace during the Second World War (her book Seed of Chaos , which attacked the British/US policy of saturation bombing of Germany, was rejected by publishers in Britain and the US in 1944). Her
[48.3 %] | - 23.4 kb
  • in Westminster Abbey to poets of the First World War, and his first collections, Invocation (1915) and Ardours and Endurances (1917), speaking directly to the mood of a nation in the throes of war, achieved real popular success.
  • in Westminster Abbey to poets of the First World War, and his first collections, Invocation (1915) and Ardours and Endurances (1917), speaking directly to the mood of a nation in the throes of war, achieved real popular success.
  • a writer, broadcaster and inventor in the Second World War down to his death in 1944 at the age of 51. His life had been a turbulent one with alternating moods of infectious elation and deep unhappiness and indecision; but this book
[48.3 %] | - 24.6 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 65.3 kb
  • Book of Poetry of the English Speaking World . Back in Connecticut, Aldington sold serial rights to his memoirs to the Atlantic Monthly which were published in 1941 by Viking under the title Life for Life's Sake . He
  • Dudley Grey who was a classical scholar and World traveller. In any case, he did not complete his education at University College due to a sudden financial loss suffered by his father, that forced him to withdraw. In
  • Gates as "one of the best novels about World War I and a savage satire of the society that RA felt was responsible for it." His most immediate literary response to the war was his collection of poetry Images of War ,
[48.3 %] | - 34.0 kb
  • a poem written in the aftermath of the First World War, entitled Any Soldier To His Son . Of anonymous origin the poem recounted its author's wartime experiences in a somewhat light-hearted manner until, towards the poem's close, he
  • a poem written in the aftermath of the First World War, entitled Any Soldier To His Son . Of anonymous origin the poem recounted its author's wartime experiences in a somewhat light-hearted manner until, towards the poem's close, he
  • His Son What did I do, sonny, in the Great World War? Well, I learned to peel potatoes and to scrub the barrack floor. I learned to push a barrow and I learned to swing a pick, I learned to turn my toes out, and to make my eyeballs
[48.3 %] | - 27.1 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 64.3 kb
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