Military Search

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  • Reassessment . Having served in two world wars during his lifetime, Guy Chapman died in 1972. His wife, the novelist Storm Jameson (1891-1983), posthumously published a selection of Chapman’s autobiographical work under
  • Reassessment . Having served in two world wars during his lifetime, Guy Chapman died in 1972. His wife, the novelist Storm Jameson (1891-1983), posthumously published a selection of Chapman’s autobiographical work under
[48.3 %] | - 22.5 kb
  • physical and nervous breakdown. Following World War I Chesterton became leader of the Distributist movement and later President of the Distributist League, promoting the idea that private property should be divided into the
  • physical and nervous breakdown. Following World War I Chesterton became leader of the Distributist movement and later President of the Distributist League, promoting the idea that private property should be divided into the
  • Chesterton also expressed his distrust of World government and evolutionary progress. During the Boer War he advocated a pro-Boer standpoint. A very popular radio lecturer, Chesterton engaged in a series of debates with
[48.3 %] | - 28.4 kb
  • of Britain, served with the Royal Navy during World War One before becoming involved in Irish politics as an Irish republican following the war. Born in London in February 1870 Childers was brought up in Annamoe in County
  • of Britain, served with the Royal Navy during World War One before becoming involved in Irish politics as an Irish republican following the war. Born in London in February 1870 Childers was brought up in Annamoe in County
  • up with the Royal Navy for the duration of World War One; in 1916 he was awarded the DSO medal. The armistice brought Childers' demobilisation from the navy and re-entrance to Irish politics, this time as a fully-fledged
[48.3 %] | - 24.8 kb
  • of war in 1939, calling upon pacifists the world over to prevent renewed conflict. Remaining with the News Chronicle after the end of the Second world War Cliff served as the paper's New Delhi correspondent from 1946-57
  • served with the British Army during the First world War. His memoir of the conflict, To Hell and Back with the Guards , was published in 1988. Born on New Years Eve 1893 Norman Cliff was educated at Coombes College in
[48.3 %] | - 22.0 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 26.8 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 26.2 kb
  • General. In 1916, during the First World War, he took command of the Canadian Army Corps on the western front. He gained his greatest glory with the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge in April 1917, an historic
  • General. In 1916, during the First World War, he took command of the Canadian Army Corps on the western front. He gained his greatest glory with the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge in April 1917, an historic
  • and had no children. When the First World War came, Lord Byng first campaigned in France with the British Expeditionary Force as commander of the Cavalry Corps. Later, he commanded the 9th Army Corps in the ill-fated
[48.3 %] | - 34.8 kb
  • available for civilian casualties throughout the world. Attributing civilian casualties to the effects of war is a subjective process at best; the scale of the First world War certainly resulted in an absence of even the most
  • Feature Articles: Military Casualties of world War One Updated - Wednesday, 22 March, 2006 The 'Great War', which began on 28 July 1914 with Austria-Hungary's declaration of war with Serbia , and which
[48.3 %] | - 36.9 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 25.4 kb
The search string was found only in Page title or Url.
[48.3 %] | - 21.4 kb
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