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  • to duty as one of the Provost Guard of the Army of the Potomac. On the 9th it appears that they proceeded out to Burkesville Junction; from thence joined the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac. They marched with that Army to
  • of the nine infantry regiments added to the Army in 1861. Nearly all the officers were appointed from civil life; the men were specially enlisted for their regiments and, generally, for designated companies by their company
  • the traditions and spirit of the old Army without losing the zeal, enthusiasm and resource of the volunteer soldier. In one of the first battles of the Rebellion, an old officer watched one of the new regiments as it went
[29.2 %] | - 85.2 kb
  • lead to an increase in the strength of the army. As a part of this increase the second Fifth Infantry came into being under the Act of April 12, 1808. Its first colonel was Alexander Parker, who had been a captain in the 2d
  • the 2d Virginia Regiment of the Continental army; but he resigned after a service of a year and a half, and in the next five years had five successors. Evidently the commission of colonel in the regular army was valued at a much
  • the commission of colonel in the regular army was valued at a much lower rate then than at the present time. This regiment took part in the action at Cook's Mill on Lyon's Creek, Upper Canada (Ontario), October 19, 1814.
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  • Arena Industries , Army Eye Protection System ARS Optical , Military Eyewear, Tactical Ballistic Sunglasses and Goggles BAE Systems , Individual Protective Military
  • is a product of SPG Media Limited Copyright 2009 SPG Media Limited, a subsidiary of SPG Media Group PLC Home | New On This Site | Products & Services | Company
  • The website for the defence industries - Army Search
[29.2 %] | - 18.4 kb
  • that vicinity until the organization of the Army of the James, when it joined that Army and participated in its operations. When the 7th Corps was formed, in September, 1862, the Battery became part of Peck's Division of that
  • that quarter since the organization of the Army in 1821. The number of deaths among the officers of that regiment within this period, six years, has amounted to sixteen, being four times greater than the average number in all
  • I, of the regiment, were sent to join the "Army of Occupation" at Corpus Christi. G Company took from Fortress Monroe the matériel for a light battery, and the other companies were armed with flint-lock muskets; but
[28.8 %] | - 89.7 kb
  • Gibbs, and George H. Gordon. Consistent with army administration by politicians, men of experience or educated for the profession were placed in the lower grades. An old army surgeon said that under the Sumner regime companies
  • were placed in the lower grades. An old army surgeon said that under the Sumner regime companies would go to drill with full complements of officers, and return under command of brevet second lieutenants, all the seniors
  • into the bore, another source of chaff for army wags. Company blacksmiths eventually overcame this difficulty by swelling the shanks. Notwithstanding that the law had presumably fixed the nature of the service of the regiment,
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  • Colonel Martin Burke, a character of the old army, was commanding officer, and many amusing incidents occurred, in connection with the care and safe-keeping of his distinguished captives, which served to while away the tedium of
  • spring brought marching orders to join the army of the Potomac there was much enthusiasm and rejoicing. The first order directed a move to Perryville only, but it was changed en route . On March 5th the 1st battalion, 739
  • throughout all the trying campaigns of the army of the Potomac. It was always in condition for immediate service. Transportation and supplies were on hand. As a result extra work was often required of it. In the fall of
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  • U.S. Army in World War II: The Technical Services The Chemical Warfare Service The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War The Chemical
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  • By BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL JAMES B. FRY, U. S. ARMY. On the 15th of June 1775, George Washington was elected General and Commander-in-chief. It was resolved (by the Continental Congress, June 16th) "that there be
  • "that there be appointed for the American ARMY two (2) major-generals, with pay $166 per month, eight (8) brigadier-generals and one (1) adjutant-general, with pay $125 per month." Horatio Gates, Esq., (of Virginia, late major,
  • Esq., (of Virginia, late major, British ARMY) was chosen adjutant-general June 17th, and it was resolved "that he shall have the rank of brigadier-general." His commission was signed by President Hancock, on the 19th of June.
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  • Heitman's "Historical Register of the U. S. Army," one of these companies (Doughty's) was retained in service from the Revolutionary Army: one (Douglass') was raised under Resolve of Congress of date June 3, 1784; and two were
  • retained in service from the Revolutionary Army: one (Douglass') was raised under Resolve of Congress of date June 3, 1784; and two were organized under Resolve of Congress of date October 20, 1786, when the four companies were
  • In 1802 there was a reduction of the Army. The Engineers were separated from the Artillery and the latter formed into one regiment of 20 companies with a colonel (Henry Burbeck), lieutenant-colonel, and four majors.
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  • of politicians who are inimical to a regular army, who pretended to fear many plans for conquest abroad or reward for favorites at home, so that, among other compromises, about half of the new appointments were made from civil
  • from civil life. Among the officers of the army, great rivalry existed for the new places, on account of the prospective increase in rank. Mr. Davis then displayed that fine judgment in the selection of men, which has been
  • who joined our regiment from the Regular army in 1855, those who obtained the grade of general officer in the Rebellion were, Sidney Johnston, Robert E. Lee, Hardee, Emory, George H. Thomas, Van Dorn, Kirby Smith, Oakes,
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