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  • Armies and Corps Lineage and Honors Information Headquarters and Headquarters Company, I Corps 7 September 2001 Home | Search | Bookshelves | Images |
[20.8 %] | - 1.9 kb
342 CMH
  • off station the next morning and found the whole army on the move in the direction of Bouffalow (sic) Gap. Went out about 4 miles & halted for about an hour then all turn around and came back to Stauton and camped where we remained till
  • bread baked and when we got back the whole army had moved. We persued (sic) after them up the Rhoenoak (sic) Valley and soon overtook them. We arrived at New Castle about sun set where we encamped for the night. I was detailed to report to
  • took a nap and about 4 o’clock the whole army appeared to be getting to the rear. We fell back about ½ of a mile and commenced to get supper, and in a few minutes cannonading and musketry commenced within 2 or 300 hundred yards of
[20.8 %] | - 43.1 kb
  • Warfare, 1943 -1944 U.S. Army Special Operations in World War II Washington Command Post: The Operations Division The Women's Army Corps 50th Annivesary of WWII Pamphlet The
  • A Brief History of the U.S. Army in World War II 50th Anniversary of World War II Pamphlet The Army Nurse Corps A Commemoration of World War II Service Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans
  • of World War II Pamphlet The Army Nurse Corps A Commemoration of World War II Service Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors
[20.8 %] | - 6.0 kb
  • On 14 June the Continental Congress adopted the army besieging Boston as the Continental army when it appointed a committee to bring in "a draft of rules and regulations for the government of the army." On 15 June the Congress appointed George
  • the army besieging Boston as the Continental army when it appointed a committee to bring in "a draft of rules and regulations for the government of the army." On 15 June the Congress appointed George Washington as the "General and Commander in
  • rules and regulations for the government of the army." On 15 June the Congress appointed George Washington as the "General and Commander in Chief of the army of the United Colonies," and he formally took command on 3 July 1775. Washington
[20.8 %] | - 20.0 kb
  • off. October 8, 1898:   GENERAL ARMY ORDER ISSUED A general order was issued today organizing new ARMY corps and designating various points where the troops shall be stationed. The Third, Fifth, and Sixth corps are discontinued;
  • A general order was issued today organizing new ARMY corps and designating various points where the troops shall be stationed. The Third, Fifth, and Sixth corps are discontinued; the First, Second, and Fourth corps reorganized. They are to be
  • full text of the order is as follows: FIRST ARMY CORPS Major-general J.C. Breckinridge, U.S.V., commanding headquarters at Macon, Ga. First division, headquarters at Macon, Ga.:-- First brigade-Atlanta, Ga. Thirty-first Michigan,
[20.7 %] | - 21.9 kb
  • Archival Material: U.S. Army Divisions in the ETO U.S. Army in Northern Ireland, 1941-1945 Neptune: Training for the Mounting and Operation, and the Artificial Ports (see Chapter VII for
  • Cross-Channel Attack Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November 1943-15 January 1944) From the Volturno to the Winter Line (6 October-15 November 1943) The Lorraine Campaign
  • (23 April-13 May 1943) The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany, 1944-1946 Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6-27 June 1944) World War II: The War against Germany and Italy (an extract from American
[20.4 %] | - 8.9 kb
  • Material: The Continental Army Supplying Washington's Army The Battle of Camden, South Carolina, August 16, 1780 The Battle of Kings Mountain and
  • Supplying Washington's Army The Battle of Camden, South Carolina, August 16, 1780 The Battle of Kings Mountain and the Battle of the Cowpens, South Carolina The
[20.4 %] | - 3.3 kb
  • This is a lark, Dearest! I am in command of an army of two. We are the representatives of the 6th and in lawful possession of our old schools that we evacuated last Friday, when those scraps of bombardment came over. The 6th hasn't left our
  • all its attention to attacking the German army out here. If you at home could only see and hear the enormous concentration of force necessary to take a mile of German trench; the terrific resistance we have to put up to hold it; the price we
  • pay having developed a great distaste for army food since my spell of illness. I still have a little reserve though, and probably another spell at the A.D.S soon will give me a chance to economise. Mayer's dainties and the asparagus were
[20.4 %] | - 46.2 kb
  • charged with developing and implementing the Army's three-phased program to achieve all-volunteer status persevered and approached the task with a determination to succeed. Griffith's history shows the key role played by the Army staff and Army
  • IN KOREA Russell A. Gugeler Army Historical Series CMH Pub 30-2, Paper 1970, 1987; 252 pages, maps, index GPO S/N: 008-029-00003-2 A description of selected small unit actions, written primarily
  • AND WAR Robert K. Sawyer Army Historical Series CMH Pub 30-3, Paper 1963, 1989; 216 pages, tables, charts, maps, illustrations, bibliographical note, glossary, index GPO S/N: 008-029-00002-4
[20.4 %] | - 31.9 kb
  • increase their population. The employment of an army of black men in the theatre of European operations will remain for a long time a dream, and in any case be devoid of beauty. II. AIM AND OBLIGATIONS OF OUR NATIONAL POLICY, OF
  • June, 1912. This law, while creating two new army corps, had deliberately, according to German fashion, left regiments and other large units incomplete. It was evident that there would be no long delay in filling in the gaps.* The Balkan
  • will feel in the enormous superiority of its army will be favourable to an explosion of national anger, in the face of which the moderation of the Imperial Government will perhaps be powerless. It must be emphasized again that the
[20.4 %] | - 121.7 kb
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